The Path to Happiness
For many of you, this last year has been a time of reflection and growth, it definitely has for me. Especially when it comes to mindfulness and meditation.
I have no idea when I first heard this quote, but for some reason it has stuck with me for what seems like forever. I try to live my life by this philosophy and it works pretty well, but it’s definitely a process. I’ll explain.
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. – Mahatma Gandhi.

I realized the other day that it might have something to do with cognitive dissonance, which is the uncomfortable feeling you get when what you think and what you do don’t match up.
Fun fact: Psychologist, Leon Festinger, first studied cognitive dissonance in 1957 with doomsday cult members and discovered that when people’s behavior didn’t match up with what they believed it caused mental discomfort.
To resolve this internal conflict, people can either change their behavior and grow, or they can change their belief, often distorting reality or denying facts to justify their way of life.
To me this makes so much sense! It just clicked in my mind that when I am aware of how I contradict myself and change my actions accordingly, I am so much happier! Mindfulness avoids sleepless nights debating with myself, rationalizing my behavior, and yes, I’d call that mental discomfort.
When I do what I believe is the right thing, I sleep better and find that happy feeling. I’m spiritually aligned, and hopefully, the world is a better place for it as well! It’s a lot of work, but it’s worth it. It’s a win-win for everyone!
Next posts, I’ll give some examples of when I’ve felt like I was not acting in-line with my values and how I’ve dealt with those situations.

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By Miriam Plata
I’m Miriam Plata the creative entrepreneur behind Calúnica. Thanks for taking the time to read about how and why I do what I do.