The Dirty Truth about Recycled Fabric
‘What happened to Calúnica’s 2020 Paradise Collection?’, you ask.
Well, Calúnica had a bit of an existential crisis last year, not just because of Covid-19, but because I learned about microplastic pollution from synthetic clothing. I’m all about being sustainable, so this was not good news. Especially because I had just released a whole collection that was pretty much all made of plastic bottles.

Are Recycled Fabrics Saving or Polluting the Ocean?
I used to be inspired by brands that made swimwear and activewear from recycled plastic bottles. What a great idea!? I thought so too! My whole 2020 collection was basically all ‘eco-polyester.’ ‘This fabric uses 70% less water and energy to make!’, they said. ‘Yay! These t-shirts save at least 4 plastic bottles from the landfill!’ I said. Then, I had a painful realization when I learned that synthetic materials, like recycled polyester, release microplastics when washed and worn.
Instead of saving plastic bottles from winding up in the ocean, we’re just making them into tiny pieces that are even harder to clean up.
Every time polyester is washed, it pollutes the water by releasing tiny microplastics that even water treatment plants can’t get out. Listening to ‘Wardrobe Crisis’ with Clare Press, I learned that over 30% of plastic in the ocean is actually from textiles.
I don’t want to be a part of that! But, I probably would have continued to offer my eco-poly collection until I finished my new organic collection. However, when COVID-19 shut everything down, I was forced to pause my 2020 collection anyway. I did some soul searching and decided to make the switch to natural organic materials.

The factories are back in business, but I’m going to keep designing things without polyester.
So, if you were asking ‘What happened to all the beautiful eco poly yoga wear?,’ the short answer is; ‘The new coronavirus happened.’ The long answer is: what I just wrote above and also in my last posts on ‘Cultural Appropriation in Yoga Brands’.
I want to make sure that everything I create has a positive impact on this beautiful world and its people. I’ll keep doing that, as best as I know how, and keep learning about how to do it even better. Feel free to call me out if I’m still falling short.
Happy Earth Day and thanks so much for reading! I hope you get to spend some time in nature today. Also, check out True Cost Documentary, Kristen Leo on YouTube and Fashion Revolution for more info on sustainable clothing.
Some of my new Organic Collection is already available here.

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By Miriam Plata
I’m Miriam Plata the creative entrepreneur behind Calúnica. Thanks for taking the time to read about how and why I do what I do.